
🚨🚨 18.10.2024 Breaking change warning 🚨🚨

On 18.10.2024 we released a new major version (v8) of the rich text editor, which was a re-write of the old codebase. This warning is not critical to users of NPM packages using versioning, but users of the unpkg bundle ( will notice that the latest bundle of the code will not work as expected anymore. To avoid a breaking change in your system, you can set the version of the unpkg package explicitly to the last stable version of v7 as follows:

Node.js CI

Use of Abitti Trademark policy

Rich text editor with math support for Finnish Matriculation Examination Board. Live demo can be found at

Since v4.0.0, only ES2017 code with ES modules is provided (in the dist directory). If you want to use this library, a bundler such as Webpack or Rollup is probably needed.


Usage with NPM

Install the package with npm install rich-text-editor. Rich text editor can be either used as

Most properties passed to the component or initialization function are described below. More info can be found in the types and/or source code.

Usage as CDN bundle

Add a script tag to your HTML page whose source is, e.g. <script type="module" src=""></script>.

This will add makeRichText to window, which can be used to initialize the editor.

The function takes the following parameters as an object:

Key Default
container document.getElementById(‘rich-text-editor-root’)
language ‘FI’
baseUrl ’’
allowedFileTypes [‘image/png’, ‘image/jpeg’]
onValueChange () => {}
textAreaProps {}


  container: document.getElementById('rich-text-editor-root')!,
  language: 'FI',
  baseUrl: '',
  allowedFileTypes: ['image/png', 'image/jpeg'],
  onValueChange: () => {},
  textAreaProps: {},

textAreaProps are passed to the underlying div element that is the visible editor element, here are ones that are relevant for configuration of CDN users:

Key type Purpose
ariaInvalid boolean Add aria-invalid
ariaLabelledBy string Add aria-labelledby
editorStyle React.CSSProperties Direct CSS properties to the editor element
className string Additional class name(s) to the editor element
id string id-field to the editor element
lang string lang-field to the editor-element for accessibility

Goal (Read this before submitting)

Rich text editor has been developed to allow candidates of Finnish Matriculation Examination to attach screenshots and write equations as part of their submissions. Our aim is not to create a general-purpose drop-in replacement for textarea but an editor which works in Abitti and its embedded browser.

While we celebrate every bug report, feature request and pull request we kindly ask you to remember following:

We hope you understand our desire to focus on our goal specified by law.


Getting started

  1. Install Node.js
  2. Run npm install.
  3. Run npm run dev.
  4. Browser tests: http://localhost:5111/test/tests.html
  5. Manual testing: http://localhost:5111/test/tests.html?grep=manual

Testing the bundle locally

  1. Run npm run build
  2. Run npm run dev-server
  3. Run a simple http server in the project root, for example python3 -m http.server 8080
  4. Edit dev/index.html script tag to point to the bundle: <script type="module" src="/dist/rich-text-editor-bundle.js"></script> (don’t commit this).
  5. Go to http://localhost:8080/dev/index.html

Example of direct usage


